Thursday, July 30, 2009

Life lessons from Danil..

Today's lesson is...

Do not call people ugly.
Especially when you're uglier than them.

Inspired by a hater. Hey man, this one's for you. :)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

I'm a winner.

Aweeesome ! :D

I came home and had my sister raving about someone calling me up from nEbO saying I won tickets to something.
I joined a couple of contests so I wasn't that excited at first because I thought it was just tickets to some movie.
But to my surprise (Ha. What a cliché)..
It wasn't just a movie, it was tickets to SHINE BOTY ASIA 2009! :D
It's the official battle of the year featuring the best crews from Asia battling it out in Hip Hop & Breakdance moves. I"m totally psyched!

Then after that, :DDD
Siew Yan, from Talentz Inc. called me up to update me on my application (See previous posts).
Audition for the course would be somewhere in mid-October
. Wish me luck! :)
Then, she asked me if I was interested in trying out for Teenage Magazine (Of course I said yes!).
She hooked me up & I sent a photo to be reviewed by Teenage.
Maan, I'm so exciteeed.
I'm keeping both my fingers (& feet) crossed! Haha. :)

Monday, July 27, 2009



For some epic reason, they were repeatedly linked to me today.

Firstly, Gladys' birthday cake (mango flavor). Happy Birthday (wo)Man! ;D
Idk if it was high sugar content orrr she might have slipped a dash of ecstasy down there, but maaan I was really high after that! I was really acting all crazy (you can ask Greg, Jo or CS). I laughed at things that wasn't even meant as a joke. I was literally laughing like a hyena! I had no idea what I was thinking. Hahaha. Good times man, good times. ;)

Secondly, Jo started talking about Mango vouchers & how she wanted it badly (In case you live under a rock, Mango, besides being a fruit, is also a clothing brand.). I then suggested to Gregory that we buy her mangoes, pretending we thought she meant real mangoes, as a prank. Too bad she overheard it, her reaction would have been priceless! x)

Alright, alright. I gtg.
That's it for now. :DDD

P.S. Greg, I still owe you your spastic photo. I haven't forgotten. Hahaha. ;P

The List

Mr. Benson Ang
(Educator- Science Department)

I don't care if you had a miserable childhood. I was just laughing, get over it.

Saturday, July 25, 2009


Lazy Sundays.

Woke up at 11am with my arms aching like what. By right, I should have woken at 9am (slept at 1am). Woke up all dizzy & lethargic. Breakfast was a cup of water.

Hung out on Facebook for a while. Oh yea, I made a twitter account! Follow me @ Credits to Darren Yeo for the username (He likes to replace the f-word with my name). Funny, freakishly tall dude.

Watched I Love You, Man. I was about to write a short sypnosis, but I thought-- you can google it yourself. :) It was a good-hearted movie about friendship and was really funny in some parts. Not bad, but I'd advice you to watch it ony if you had time to kill. I'll give it a 7/10.
If you're looking for comedies, look up Fired Up or Superbad. Super Funneh. ;D

Rest of the afternoon was just random shit.
Off to do homework~


Good Girls Go Bad

Maaan, I love this song.

Ima hunt for those white specs in Bugis Street. ;D
Browsed the top 100 music vids in MTV & found Michael Jackson everywhere. It's ironic that he got his glorious comeback when he was dead. Well, at least he got what he wanted. People loveee the guy again.

Totally irrelevant: I came back home & took out my pants in the living room (It was rather late, okaaay.). My neighbor walked past & said hi! %8$#^!? So embarrassing! She immediately looked down & strolled off without a word.. (.______.)

She was a mother of three.

Friday, July 24, 2009


I had not blogged for two weeks. :|

I kinda felt sick of blogging with such terribly little time I had on my hands. School drags to 3-4pm for the past two weeks & when I come home, I kinda feel like fainting on the spot.

School. These past two weeks we had interns to teach us. Ms. EILEEEEN Chong, the funny EL intern & had the funniest laugh I've heard. Haha. We kinda bullied her, saying every person was absent when she calls out for someone to answer her question. One time, she was randomly asking what we learned in sexuality class. Told her it was sex. Ms. Au & Tang, the E. math interns. Ms. Au, smiles all the time, like all the time. Cute, but it gets creepy sometimes. Ms. Tang, "Tang" is an orange juice in my country. Enough Said. Ms. Eng, A. Math & Chemistry Intern. She has a looong way to go so jiayou to her. They left this Fridayyy. So goodbye to them & good luck. :D

Waaaaay more to go. But enough for now. I gotta go, or I'm gonna be late again. xByeeee.

Thursday, July 9, 2009


Yesterday, school felt like 24 hours.

school felt like 48 hours. -,-
In the morning, we made something for YOG where we wrote pledges on a piece of paper and then made it into little stars. It's supposedly for a sculpture they're going to make. My star looked like a wrinkled old woman! (Credits to Yun Shian for that. Haha.) After that, had free period on P.E. lesson, as usual 3e2 was like silent hill. :x
On sexuality class, we learned about femininininininininity & masculinity and the difference between gender stereotypes & gender identity. Had a worksheet where we indicated different qualities as feminine or masculine. 2 ticks for girls desiring sex and 4 more when it comes to nagging. Hahaha. Peace girls! :P After that, Mr. Sim moved on gender stereotypes, discussing how society often defines gender qualities, he demo-ed gay movements (which coincidentally looked very much like the movement someone makes. Guess who? Hahaha.) & said that being sissy doesn't make you a homo. Doing it with the same gender makes you homo. Eek.
After school, had to stay back to do exercises for e. maths. Chatted Gregory almost all the way. Funny ang moh, we mimicked a classmate which did her work like her life depended on it! xD
Went home with Jerold, Jimson, Royston & Jun Jie. Home felt like heaven. x)
Chatted Maria Supernova just now. :) Too bad her Internet went bonkers, she was in the middle of a good story.
Soo I was exaggerating, my day wasn't that bad, well, except for the homework I'm about to face right about now.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Trigonometry isn't so bad..

Trigonometry.I just can't get enough of it. Literally.
Exercises. Homework. Homework. Some more Homework.
Might as well have classes day and night doing trigo. -,-

Besides the trigo homework & dreadful REP test,
today was pretty awesome
. :)
A window of opportunity has opened up for me.
Celest Foo, introduced me to the manager of Talentz Inc. and I was offered a 5-week training course which covers modeling, hosting, acting & singing!
Just sent my application form not too long ago. I'm totally
psyched! :D
I wouldn't have met Celest if not for church so I really feel that this is a God-given opportunity.
I really pray that I can claim this opportunity and be able to serve God in this area.

Hm, Trigo suddenly doesn't seem so bad! x)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Dès le départ

Dès le départ
(From The Start)

Woooo! Finally.

I didn't think I could (or would) do it. But I finally did. I've started a blog! :D Honestly, I'm clueless on what to write. Always thought of blogs as an emotional punchbag for drama-llamas, but there is nooou way I'm going do that. I don't need to bitch on my blog because I'll just tell you straight up if I don't like you. What you can expect is updates on my everyday life, random memorable moments, movie reviews, crap i want to sell (or give, if your nice c;) or anything i think is blog-worthy.

About the design of my blog: love the monster pic, hate the color scheme. Will change as soon as I get the patience to find a new one.

That's it. Just an intro to my blog. I will post updates as soon as I clear the horrendous pile of homework that our painfully lovely teachers gave us for the weekend. *ehem Mr. Sim *ehem (So much for celebrating Youth Day. :S)

Credits to DeviantArt for the picture.